
International Neuroscience Coaching Certification

A new, practical training to give you all the key ideas of neuroscience and how to apply them in practice.

Whether you work in executive coaching, health coaching, business coaching or personal coaching, this will be fun, relevant and give you skills to make you more effective. Everyone has a brain – they just use it differently!

How does your brain work?

Understanding how your brain actually works (avoiding the myths and hype) helps you and your client think better, feel more fully, make better decisions and act with wisdom.

Practical applications

Joseph has gone through all the research and done all the spade work (so you do not have to), to give you exactly the material you need. And it is immediately practical.

The forefront of coaching

Neuroscience findings are disrupting many of the psychological models on which some coaching models are based. You will get the latest research based models in this training.

The program consists of 3 modules:

The ability to clearly focus on what you want – for yourself and others and unleash the creativity you need to move towards them. This is what we do in the module The Neuroscience of Goals*.

The ability to touch on what is important to you and connect to this emotionally for energy and motivation. (No one does anything that is not connected to their values). This is what we do in the module The Neuroscience of Emotions and Values*.

The ability to sort out your thinking (‘mental models’ or ‘beliefs’) and then drop forever the frustration of trying to work round (or worse argue with), limiting ideas. (Wouldn’t that be nice?). This is what we do in the module The Neuroscience of Beliefs*.

1 – What are goals?
2 – Goals and the brain
3 – The neuroscience of creativity
4 – Tricks and traps of goal thinking
5 – Anchoring and questions
6 – Happiness and the hedonistic treadmill

1 – What are emotions?
2 – How emotions work
3 – Stress and Neurotransmitters
4 – Emotional Intelligence
5 – Somatic Marking
6 – Intuition, Pleasure and happiness

1 – What are mental models?
2 – The interpreter
3 – Learning and expectations
4 – Predict then modify
5 – Misleading mental models
6 – There is hope…

Modules consist of two-hour webinars each with slides and manual. Each webinar is recorded and available for participants afterwards.
Live modules take place over two months.
After the course participants will demonstrate their expertise in neuroscience coaching by submitting a video to the trainer, or by writing a research project on Coaching and Neuroscience.

Fully flexible program – Each module is stand alone and can be taken individually.
For the full three-module certification in Neuroscience Coaching you can take the modules in any order.

About the Program

Coaching the Brain – Practical Applications of Neuroscience to Coaching
This is the premier International coaching neuroscience training, based on the best-selling book ‘Coaching the Brain’ by ICC co-founders Joseph O’Connor and Andrea Lages.
The program is one of the very few Internationally certified neuroscience coaching programs.

Neuroscience is at the forefront of coaching. This program places Lambent and the International Coaching Community at the forefront of coaching methodology in the ‘twenties.

The International Certification on Neuroscience Coaching is taught by Joseph O’Connor, co-founder of the International Coaching Community.

If you are interested in the book, click here.
For the Spanish version, click here.

Access to a Global Community

Successfully completing this program, gives you the ICC International Certificate of Neuroscience Coaching and membership of the International Coaching Community.

Available languages

This course is available in English and Spanish

Webinars, manuals, lessons and exercises

There is an introductory webinar before each module. This gets you up to speed with the amazing brain – that is behind all our thoughts, decisions and actions. Then we jump into the module.

  • All modules come with a full manual
  • Lessons are recorded so you can catch up if you miss one
  • There are exercises and demonstrations of neuroscience coaching in each module


Each module carries its own Lambent Certificate in Neuroscience Coaching.

The International Coaching Community Certificate in Neuroscience Coaching is awarded to participants who complete all three modules (in any order).

Contact the trainers

Contact Joseph O’Connor at info@coachingthebrain.com for more information.

For information about the modules in Spanish, please access the page at the International Coaching Community website or write to Virginia Pardo (info@vipsynergycoaching.com), the strategic partner and Lambent trainer for Latin America.

The objectives of the program

  • Provide coaches with necessary neuroscience knowledge for greater credibility in the market.
  • Give coaches the knowledge of how the brain works to refashion their coaching tools.
  • Give coaches new coaching tools based on how the brain works.
  • Give coaches the best neuroscience-based decision making process.
  • Engage the participants in re-evaluating their own mental models about goals, values, emotions and beliefs.
  • Engage the participants to continue their learning through the project and follow up work.

Learning outcomes of the program

  • Explore the developing field of neuroscience and how to use it in coaching.
  • Understand neuroplasticity and how the brain changes itself – and how to use it for change in behaviour.
  • Use the implications of neuroplasticity to build, drop and change habits.
  • Know the different parts of the brain, how are organised and how they work together
  • Understand how the brain makes meaning of our experience through ‘the interpreter’ system, and what this means for coaching.
  • Explore how to best use the brain in creativity and innovation.
  • Avoid the cognitive tricks and traps of system one, ‘fast’ thinking.
  • Be aware of and neutralise the effects of priming, framing and anchoring that stop clear thinking and good decision making.
  • Ask better questions by framing them in better ways.
  • Understand and use the importance of trust and fairness in our mental life.
  • See how values are underpinned by emotion and work with them more effectively.
  • Know how emotional intelligence works in neuroscientific terms and manage your own and others’ emotions better.
  • Understand how the brain predicts the future and generates beliefs and ideas.
  • Understand how to deal with expectations and limiting beliefs.
  • Deal with ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’.
  • Understand theory of mind and what it means for rapport.
  • Know how to jump off the hedonistic treadmill (while still being happy).

Here’s what we’ll be covering in the certification course:

1. The Neuroscience of Goals

  • We will explore the concept of Cold Cognition.
  • We will take a good look at creativity and how to enhance it.
  • We will explore the Prefrontal cortex both as Einstein and as the night club bouncer.
  • We will look at working memory, and how we motivate ourselves (or not).
  • Also, how our brain projects us into imaginary futures to test them out.
  • We will guard ourselves against the tricks and traps of thinking that we are prone to make. These are what stop our creativity and clarity of thought.

The key distinction between the experiencing self and the remembered self and how to avoid the stress, pain, and unhappiness caused by confusing them.

You will see goals – your own and your clients – in a new light and be much more effective working with them.

2. The Neuroscience of Values

We’ll delve into the complex relationship of emotions and values and learn about hot Cognition.

We will look at emotions:

  • What they are,
  • How they work,
  • The role of the amygdala, and how it can be hijacked.

We will see how the neurotransmitter serotonin works in happiness and depression.
We will explore the neuroscience of happiness.
We will explore stress both good (eustress) and bad (distress), how they arise and how make more of eustress and deal with distress.

Finally, we will dig into the neuroscience of emotional intelligence.
It is impossible to be emotionally intelligent without understanding emotions and how they arise.

Understanding values and motivation will give you more power and insight in your coaching.

3. The Neuroscience of Beliefs

This is where we dive into beliefs and mental models.

  • How do we learn?
  • How are our beliefs formed?
  • How can we change mental models at the level of the brain?
  • What can we do to combat limiting metal models?
  • How the brain circuits called ‘the interpreter’ work and how it can distort our thinking
  • Getting good information and how to recognise ‘fake news’

We will look at the neuroscience of ‘shoulds’ and how to deal with those pressures that we think we want and don’t want.

‘The problem is not the problem; the problem is the way you are thinking about the problem…’

“Joseph’s way of explaining is outstanding. I feel I’m part of a new wave in the world, where people will learn to collaborate better with their brains.”

Mirja Bang Hansen


“What I bring with me from the course is that I have broadened my thinking in my role as a coach and to be able to go even deeper into the coach issues.”

Eva Lisa Persson


“For me this training has been an eye opening experience. It has clearly exceeded my expectations. I wanted to improve my coaching skills but in reality this course has motivated me to see my full life in a different way.”

Mariela Nuñez Ugalde

Coaching and marketing executive

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